Call us: 510-867-2389
Welcome to Fremont Mole Control! We are a wildlife control company which services Alameda County, California. We specialize in the removal of moles - the animals - and other unwanted animals you may have on your property. Moles love to dig tunnels, resulting in large molehills and tunnels all over your yard. While these aren't exactly dangerous, they can damage your landscape and backyard and cause a nuisance. To deal with moles, we use professional trapping methods and make sure to prevent moles from overrunning your property again. Call us 24/7 at 510-867-2389 to schedule an appointment the same day or the next. We aren't considered Fremont's best animal removal company for nothing! You can check out our Fremont mole removal prices. Some of the services we offer include:
- 100% Mole Removal Via Trapping
- Full Property, Garden, & Yard Inspections
- Prevention and Lawn Treatments
- Poison-Free Mole Control
- Effective Mole Trapping Methods
- Repair of Lawn and Sod, Mole Hill Removal
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CALL US ANYTIME AT 510-867-2389
We are experts in mole control and are not your typical Fremont, California pest control or exterminator company. First, we do not use poisons or the majority of repellents, since they do not work. Moles are difficult to remove and can only really be completely removed from your yard with mole traps, a process we have practiced and perfected over the years. In addition, if a mother mole has babies, we will make sure to remove her pups by hand before dealing with the mother mole. We are not a typical Fremont mole exterminator company. We completely solve your mole problem by taking these steps:
- Inspect the entire property grounds - lawn, yard, garden, etc.
- Set several pro traps in mole tunnels - the correct and safe way!
- Remove all moles as they are caught and monitor for activity
- Once there is no more activity and no more moles caught, we're done
- When needed, fill in tunnels and seal with underground fencing
What Prices Do We Charge?
Every wildlife situation is different: How many moles? Size of lawn? Do you need trapping, prevention, repairs? Call us and we can give pricing for your specific situation.
Fremont mole pest control animal tip: How to get rid of moles in a yard with castor oil
The fact about castor oil is that it does not kill moles. Rather, this oil serves as a home remedy that helps irritate their guts or digestive tract and cause severe stomach upset in their body in order to keep them away or make them evict a particular location. But on the bright side, the use of castor oil does not cause any permanent irritation.
The only problem with the use of castor oil in controlling moles in your yard is that when it is applied, these small yard pests might decide to reroute their tunnel in another direction within the space of your yard, causing more damage. As a result of this, the use of castor oil can't be considered as an effective way to get rid of moles. It does work, but the results you will be getting might vary.
If you want to get rid of moles using castor oil, you might choose to buy a commercial repellent containing castor oil or try mixing a natural repellent at home using some naturally available ingredients. Right here we'll be sharing some simple steps on how to make a castor oil repellent at home.
Step 1
For home remedy solutions, get a gallon of clean water and pour it into a bucket. Measure 6 ounces of castor oil and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or oil-based detergents and then add both ingredients into the water. The detergent in this mixture serves as a carrier for the sticky castor oil
Step 2
After mixing the castor oil repellent, gently pour the mixture into a hose sprayer or a spray bottle. If you are spraying with a lawn sprinkler or hose, adjust the sprinkler to only cover a short distance. With this, you can be sure that every part of your garden is soaked with the mixture. To get the best result, you can also take your time to spray the roots of shrubs and fresh plants in areas that are prone to mole attacks.
Step 3
Unlike other mole removal treatments, you might have to spray your lawn or garden more than once to get the results you desire.
If you are buying a commercial repellent from a garden center, you need to follow the directions on how to get it diluted. After doing this, you can go ahead and spray it into the soil in your garden.

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• Fremont, CA Animal Mole Control